The weeks are getting busier and busier. Monday evening is small group. Tuesdays, frisbee. Wednesdays, prayer meeting. Thrusdays, large group. And Fridays, usually large groups. I hope that you summer is going rather splendidly, esspecially for those entering into college. I think that it's wonderful to see so many seniors so excited about going to college, finding independance, and finding fun. However, I think that many are naive to the whole cultural atmosphere that surrounds the campus life. College is a time where people are left to do whatever they want with little concern for accountability. What many people do not realize is that when left on their own, people will naturally sin. I can certainly attest to that. My heart breaks when I see kids decide to put God on hiatus for four years and eventually fall into a lost, and lifeless lifestyle. My heart rejoices when I see a kid join a community and becomes on fire for Christ. That is my prayer, to see people choose to run after God. So cool!
So here's a few things I've learned so far in college:
1) Join a Christian fellowship. There's nothing like community, accountability, and encouragement to spur on living life for Christ.
2) College is not about you. I find that college is much more fun when the decisions you make are not for you, but for God. The degree you're earning? The long nights studying? The friendships? The fun? Remember that everything you do is for a greater purpose than yourself. I find that making decisions for God and not for yourself makes things that much more purposeful (and let's face it, a little bit more exciting).
3) For the Asian engineer: Relax. Study hard and diligently, but remember friendships are more inportant than school. That's right. I said it. And don't freak out even after you have taken a test! The test is already turned in, you can't do anything about it anymore! Also, don't play too many computer games.
Tangent: playing too much computer games is similar to some mind-altering drug. Reality is not reality anymore. You eventually start dreaming about it, you eventually start believing that there is someone waiting around the corner to kill you. I once played through Halo 2 with my roommate in 2 days. My head felt like it was in a vice. My neck was strained and I was nauseated. When I closed my eyes, I saw the glow of the television screen.
4) Join a Christian fellowship. Be invested in a community of believers and influence the world around you.