Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My Adorable Grandmother

So my grandmother arrived today. I asked her how she came to know the Lord, and she gave this interesting story. So anyways, back many years when it came time for her and grandpa to decide on a religion to follow, they weighed each religion and decided to become Methodists (I think). They did not become Buddhists because the religion required way too much investment in food offerings and the practice of burning money was not financially prudent. If they joined the Roman Catholic church, they would have to buy candles and that was too hasslesome. They decided that following the Christian religion (Disclaimer: Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity) was the most practical thing to do. It required no offerings of food, burning of money, or buying of candles. So after talking with a family friend they decided to follow this Jesus character.

I think this story highlights two points. The first is that Christianity is completely based on grace. We are given the free gift of God. We need not do anything in order to receive salvation. The second point highlights the fact that many times we look for religions that do not demand radical transformations. I definitely think my grandmother has changed, but what we do not realize sometimes is that when we are drawn to Christ, we give up all possessions and we offer all of our lives to God. I'm looking forward to interacting with her for the remainder of the week.


Anonymous said...

The Catholic Church was founded by Christ:

"And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven." - Matthew 16:18-19

The Catholic Church is the continuation of this Church. All Protestant Churches are man-made, and do not have the gurantee of the "gates of hell" not prevailing against it, as seen in so many Protestant and historic non-Catholic heresies.

There is only ONE Body of Christ, just as there is only ONE Church:
"So we being many, are ONE body in Christ, and every one members one of another."- Romans 12:15

"For we, being many, are ONE bread, ONE body, all that partake of one bread."- 1 Corinthians 10:17

The Church is the bride of Christ, and Christ is not a bigamist. Therefore, there is only one Church.
"Because the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church. He is the saviour of his body."- Ephesians 5:23

In the Creed (more precise, Nicene Creed), we see the words:
"I believe in one, holy, apostolic, and catholic church"

Now the Council that created the Nicene Creed was a council evoked against the Arians, who denied the divinity of Christ. How can you conclude that this includes all Christian "churches?"

This, and furthermore.

Plus, what's wrong with lighting candles? You pick a religion based off of what's "easy" to do? That's what atheism is!

Rex said...

While it is important to recognize how the church itself was founded, it is more important to understand that Christ brought salvation to all. This was done without discrimination, and without words that separate one "religon" from another. There is no mention of Catholicism in the Bible, as there is no mention of any named religon. The church consists of the people, nothing more. Christ specifically pushed aside religon for the sake of the act and empasized a pesonal relationship with himself. In that act, faith is established and true "Chirst" ianity is available to all people. The creed that you reference was made by men...not by Christ. See creed history below:

The purpose of a creed is to act as a yardstick of correct belief. A creed is an epitome, not a full definition, of what is required for orthodoxy. It was hoped that by memorizing this summary of the faith, lay people without extensive theological training would still be able to recognize deviations from orthodox doctrines based on the Bible as interpreted in Christian Tradition.
The Nicene Creed, both in its original and revised formulas, is an implicit condemnation of specific errors. Thus, as different variations in Christian belief evolved in the fourth century and were perceived as threats, new phrases were seen to be needed, like amendments to a constitution. As the historical developments of a constitutional society can be traced through amendments to its constitution, the particular theological developments in a religious society show in the successive forms of its written creed.

AS you can see it was written to protect the religon, not the belief in Christ. Without Christ there is no reason for faith, religon, church, or reason to live.