Thursday, January 05, 2006

A New Life

Hello, everyone.

Dongbees. What exactly is dongbees you might ask. Does it strike fear into the hearts of battle-worn warriors? Is it the name of the rarest of flowers on the lushest tropical island in the world? Maybe dongbees is the most repulsive word created by God and unspoken even in the heavenly realms...

No. It's what I call a stinky yet cute basset hound/beagle mix whose three passions in life are eat, sleep, and stink. If you think about it, that's what life is all about. Eat, sleep, and stink. The core foundation of this world is based on the fulfillment of our carnal instincts and desires. We kill, cheat, and backstab so that we may satisfy our animal instincts which, if you think about it, are pretty much equivalent to a dog's. I am no better. In fact, I am most guilty of killing, cheating, and backstabbing just so I can fulfill my hunger for eat, sleep, and stink. The whole of humankind is just one crawling flee-bag of dogs on the prowl for eat, sleep, and stink, and, for the large part, we are ignorant to our state of perverted sickness.

The core to every human being is not goodness nor altruism. No, we are far from that. Everybody, including myself, lives a life based on our rotted insides. We are far beyond corrupt, we are far beyond decaying. We are dead. I have rejected the natural order of the way things were intended to be and have decided to live a life for myself. I will deceive, maim, and kill anyone in my way. I murder, rape, lie, and cheat. I feed the dust off the ground to my children and trampled over the souls of innocent babies.

I am guilty of treason against myself, my fellow man, and God almighty. What punishment is fitting for such a heinous brute as myself? The son of a sinner, the perpetrator of even greater crimes. How shall I be repaid for the wrath I have paid others? There is only one pronouncement fitting for creatures such as I. Death to the fullest extent. Eternal separation from the light. I must be thrown out into the darkness. I must be condemned, alone and cold. I have chosen my punishment, feed me my poison. No more excuses for I am naked in front of my accuser abandoned by those who claimed to be my friends. The Judge's eyes of fiery righteousness pierce the innermost being of my soul. I am guilty. I am worthy of death.

I believe that every single human being born on the face of this planet is born a treasonous criminal condemned to die (questions arise with that statement). While there may be brief instances of hope that break through the immense canopy of sin, the state of every human being is based on selfish ambition. The entropy of the universe is constantly increasing in direct relationship to the decay of the human soul. People are not generally good people. They are corrupt and decaying.

Wow, you might say. This guy is pretty grim, depressing, and - to be quite frank - sick in the mind. What you will eventually discover, I hope, is a new perspective on the workings of the world we live in and the lives we live. I am an optimist, but a true optimist can only see the positives of live after they realize the existence of dark, dirty, and scary places that exist in the world. The darkest, dirtiest, and scariest place being our very soul.

I do not claim to know everything about this world, because, to be honest, I hardly know anything at all. I do not claim to be perfect for I am one of the filthiest people in this world. I do not claim to be deserving of anything for I live one of the most sheltered lives here on this planet. God is still working out his grace through me. I am still flawed, evil, and deserving of death. Nonetheless, Christ has taken the punishment that I so duly deserve and has given me new life. This new life is neither easy nor comfortable. This process from death to life is a transformation processes that God painfully works.

This is my new life...

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