Saturday, September 02, 2006

Recent thoughts

Sometimes I'm so busy running my life, I forget about the life God is running in me. The truth is hard. The truth that I am so selfish. The truth that I am so prideful. The truth that I am a failure. My conscience aches when I realize the complete depravity of my life, the fact that my life seems so engrained with sin. The truth is that God is greater than all those things. I think that for me right now, realizing the extent of God's grace is extremely challenging. Just today, I noticed an anger welling up in me over some small complication in the travel abroad. Such a trivial thing as that caused so frustration toward others and God. I've realized that sanctification still has a long ways to go in my life. It's funny how the closer you get to God, the more you notice your sin. It's also funny how God still beckons you to enter into his arms.

One thing that God is trying to teach me is the essential need of following Christ daily. I've lived too often with the expectation for God to dazzle me. In reality, we were intended to worship him - all the time. What is the meaning of life? To give God glory whether we feel like it or not. If we are not able to be faithful in the little daily things, how can we be faithful with the big, spectacular things? Ultimately, we can't be. That is one thing that God is teaching me. He is slowing teaching me to have a grateful heart. God doesn't need humans for his will to be done, however, he graciously gives us the privledge of - not only witnessing - but participating in his glorious work. He gives us the go-ahead to fail while trying and to enter into his plan even though we don't know what we are doing half the time. Doesn't that make life exciting? Stepping into the unknow, yet knowing that God is waiting there to catch you. Realizing that every breath is a breath closer to God, every breath is another step in God's refinement of your soul.

Next time you're on the Quad. Stop. And listen. Every single person you see has a unique story of pain, struggle, and laughter. God has intricately woven the threads of their life to the very point where they now stand. Can you hear their hearts? Can you see their broken lives and feel their desperate longing for something to fill the voids within their soul. Some are thirsting for something greater while others are blinded to the reality of life. God can hear every one of their voices. This campus is broken. We are broken. I am broken. As humans we can possibly mend this campus together. However, we need God to completely tranform it. Revival, transformation, and rebirth begains with death. Death to the self, and life that can only come through, by, and given from Christ. Doesn't it hurt? That people are continuing with their daily routine, broken, unsatisfied, and oblivious. We, as "Christians" are walking the same way. We are so busy walking our own path that we don't notice that God has crossed our lives with the lives of others. Look around. Smell the roses. Life is not just aobut you. Life is about giving God glory. Life is worship.

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