Monday, January 09, 2006

Pitfalls of Worship

Common pitfalls:

1. Expecting God to pour out his spirit when we want to.
We seek God on Sunday, but live godless lives on the weekday. I found that this applied to me especially during high school. The entire environment and compartmentalizing of life especially during the high school years wears spiritual vitality
thin . Imagine a boat tossed back and forth on the waves or a wire bent every which way. Such stresses cause much damage on the boat or wire. I believe that our impulsive relationship with God causes undue stresses to our spiritual life. How can I expect to meet God for an hour on Sunday when I shut him out the rest of the week?

2. Thinking that we deserve God.
Many times when I worship, I think that God must pour his spirit out on his people. Even more provocative, I falsely believe that God has an obligation to love his people. God is God! He has the authority and the justification to cherish his creations or toss them out with Monday's trash. God can do whatever he pleases even if we have qualms about his decisions. Only by his grace, God chooses to love his rebellious creation, humankind. Only by his grace, God allows us to come before him and worship. Only by his grace, God finds pleasure in the worship of fallen and sinful mortals.

3. Being ungrateful.
This ties in with pitfall number two. As a result of my unholy attitude toward God, I become ungrateful when my worship experience is not all that I think it should be. A remarkable thing happens when we thank God for the pleasure of worshiping him even though we do not have that awe-inspiring experience during worship. Because worship is a gift so graciously given by God, I have the obligation to be grateful in dry and abundant times of God's spirit.

4. Worship is about me, me, and me!
So many times when I worship God I actually worship myself. I expect God to move my spirit. God, do this and do that. God, I promise to do this and do that. So many times I forget that worship is about God. All too often I long for an emotional high instead of the sincere worship of God almighty. I utter words that flow meaningless out of my mouth rather than having a heartfelt conviction. Promises are not sincere, false humility hides hidden pride in my heart. May God strip me naked, so that all I have to offer are my sins and failings. You oh Lord are worthy of glory and honor and power. For you created all things and for your pleasure all things exist and were created.

Read this (this passage rocked my socks!):
Revelations 5: Worship of the Lamb

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